Find a space in a room where your dog is comfortable – and where you will be during a storm – away from windows and doors. If your dog is crate trained and likes being in a crate, you can use that, completely covered with a blanket (apart from the access), to make a ‘den’.
Have this set up all the time during ‘storm season’, so they get used to being in it and feeling happy there. Make sure it is comfortable with several layers of bedding and has a water bowl either inside or just outside. If your dog has any favourite toys, put them in there just to surround them with familiarity.
If however your dog has a preferred ‘safe space’ (such as under a sofa or bed), make sure that is comfortable too and let them use that. It is up to your dog to decide where they feel safe. It's important that this safe area is always available and accessible to the dog (whether or not there are storms).
If you know storms are forecast, make sure you have given your dog their regular exercise long before it starts – and most importantly that they have had a chance to go to the toilet. Desperately needing to go to the loo but not being able to because of a raging storm outside is going to make things far worse.
If the storm is likely to clash with your dog’s mealtime, consider feeding them a little earlier (as dogs will not eat if frightened, anxious or scared).
During a storm
Close all the curtains so that your dog can’t see the flashes of lightning and to slightly muffle the sound.
Providing background noise is also a good idea. A dog’s hearing is far better than ours and you will never be able to disguise thunder totally – but it will sound far louder in a quiet room. Having the TV on or playing music can help the weather noises sound less dramatic.
Try distractions such as training, enrichment games, scent games to get your dog to think about something else. This will not work for a phobia, but it may distract a dog who is just slightly worried.
Whenever they are scared, dogs will often turn to their owners to see how they are reacting to the situation and to help access the potential danger. In these moments, it’s important to be calm and reassuring. If they see that you’re okay, they are more likely to feel better. No matter how your dog is behaving, stay relaxed and outwardly cheerful and upbeat.
If your dog comes to you for reassurance, make sure you give them what they need. Some dogs will want to be as close to you as possible, cuddle into you, and need physical touch. Others just need to be near you and get comfort from your presence but are too stressed to be touched or stroked. Be guided by them as to what will make them feel better – and never underestimate how much your comfort will help them.
If they choose to hide or go to their den, sit close to them and talk to them so they know you are there. Never try and encourage them – or pull them – out. They will come out in their own time.
Do everything in your power to make them feel safer and protected. In other words, do what you would like to have done to you in a situation where you are very scared. In summary:
Since storm phobia is likely to only get worse with time, it’s best to try and take action as soon as you notice to signs.
Seeking professional help
It’s important to know that storm phobia in dogs is a serious and distressing behavioural issue. Talk to your vet first and ask to be referred to an accredited behaviourist who can help your work with your dog’s noise phobia – as this can easily become more severe in time – and can lead to a more general anxiety.
This anxiety arises when the dog worries so much about the storms, that they spend all their time worrying about when the next one will happen or start to react to any of the precedents to a storm (such as rain, wind, or changes of atmospheric pressure). This can result in a reduction in quality of life.
Storm phobias in dogs can be heart-breaking to witness but with some time and effort, you can help your furry friend learn how to cope in these distressing situations. Is your dog fearful by nature? Read the Helping a Scared Dog article next to learn what you can do in this situation.